Mari Matsumura
Mari is a certified psychotherapist in Japan, specializing in trauma, dissociation, and somatic approach work. She began working with young teenagers and children, when she was a psychotherapist at orphanage in 2001. Having lived experience with complex trauma, it brought her own path to the healing and many years of further training and education, she still keeps learning for her own deep healing and the way how she can support clients to remember their own power.
She believes that no matter what situation you have been in in the past, or what you are currently facing, you can be as you are and live a fulfilling life. Her focus is on helping clients to reach their resource and their strength, through remembering what had happened to them using breath, somatic sensation, sound, image, movement, and so on. She uses somatic approach which is somatic experiencing(SE) and the comprehensive resource model (CRM) skill, as well as family constellations and gestalt therapy.
・Certified psychotherapist in Japan since 2005
・Somatic Experiencing®︎ Practitioner SEP since 2023
・Comprehensive resource model(CRM) completed basic training, generational trauma training、DID training, Core Self training(prenatal and birth trauma), couple therapy training, and intensive training, (trained by Lisa Shwaltz in 2022 - 2023)
・Hypnotherapy training by Brian Weiss at Omega institute(2019)
・family constellation facilitator (trained by Yashoda in Taipei, 2015-2016)
・Art therapy Facilitator (trained by Meera Hashimoto, 2012-2014)
・Process oriented psychotherapy training(2001-2009)
・practicing mindfullness meditation (2006-)